Thursday, December 08, 2005

Fell So Good!

My student's classroom materials are a constant source of amusement for me. Nearly every notebook and pencil case has some English scattered about for decoration, the cool-factor of roman letters being roughly equivalent to photos of rock stars and movie characters. My students have no clue what messages they are displaying, and couldn't care less when I offer a translation, which is a shame because the various phrases are quite often hilarious, and sometimes down right inspirational.

While cleaning the classrooms after lunch today I made off with 15 year old Hirano-san's pencil case, and will now transcribe its messages before she gets back from recess.


"FELL SO GOOD! A travelers spirit withan. It's goinG to be intEresting!

adventurous mind
Because I want to see your face witha smile.Fell so good! Freely as you please.

how do you feel?
It feels nice!It feels nice!
It's goinG to be intEresting!

Everyone's clock ticks to its own time.

That scenery, once more, the travellersin the world...


Tickles the feet, doesn't it? I can't to hit the road. It's goinG to be intEresting!


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